Our dream is for the Ranch to provide a serene and caring environment where one can take a break from the busy day-to-day world to "pause, reflect, heal and grow".
Our dream is for our Ranch to provide a serene and caring environment where one can take a break from the busy day-to-day world to "pause and reflect".
- Melode & Stan Seremet, Founders
To provide a healing, educational, motivational, and recreational
environment utilizing equine and other animal assisted therapies
and experiences to enhance the quality of life for all clients, and to
provide a loving home, whether temporary or permanent, for
animals that meet a specific criteria.
April 2021 - Texas House Resolution 510 Honoring the Memory of Melode Seremet
January 2021 - Discovery Point - Paws for Reflection Promotional Video
August 2020 - Fort Worth Star Telegram - North Texas Therapy Ranch...
June 2020 - Waxahachie Daily Light - "When a dream becomes a reality"
May 2019 - Midlothian Mirror - Ranch Riders Horse Show Article
July 2018 - Waxahachie Daily Light - "Mane Inspiration" Counseling Program with B.R.A.
June 2018 - Veterans Benefit Motorcycle Poker Run (Participant Video)
May 2018 Urban Well Magazine Article
Sept 2016 - Mansfield Magazine - Feature Story on Paws for Reflection Ranch
Dec 2015 - Horse Illustrated - "Painted Heroes" Article
July 2015 - Midlothian NOW Magazine - Boots of Honor Veterans Program
July 2014 NBC DFW 5 - Paws for Reflection Ranch Veterans Program
September 2009 - Midlothian NOW Magazine - A Reflection of Peace
Please view our vision and mission video or visit the links below to learn more details about our story. Contact us to schedule a visit and tour. We are excited to share our story with you in person.
December 2020
We were truly honored to be selected as the WINNER for best business in Ellis County for Counseling Services. The contest was conducted by the Waxahachie Daily Light and Midlothian Mirror. Thank you to all who voted for us!
Awards Paws for Reflection Ranch 2020 Non-Profit of the Year!
Melode & Stan Seremet, Founders (2004)
Paws for Reflection Ranch is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) charitable organization
USDA Licensed Class C Exhibitor under the Animal Welfare Act
Copyright © Paws for Reflection Ranch. All rights reserved.